Best SPF Mists To Apply Over Makeup


Have you ever left the house having applied your SPF and assumed it would be cloudy all day so you won’t need to reapply any SPF? Or, have you ever thought you would be indoors most of the time so you won’t need any SPF? Plans can change and all it takes is an impromptu lunch outside or driving home, the clouds have disappeared and it’s now blazing sunshine. Have you also had that conversation in your head that goes something like ‘if I reapply my SPF do I need to remove all my makeup and skincare?’

That’s all it takes, walking out in the sunshine, underestimating the weather and the intensity of the UV rays.  If you’re trying to tackle pigmentation, protect your skin from burning and limit the damage to your collagen and elastin fibres, your skin needs sunscreen reapplied every 2hrs when out and about in direct sunlight. Hence why I love sunscreen mists that can easily be sprayed over makeup.    

Everybody needs a sunscreen spray in their bag from Spring all the way through the Summer months to prevent the weather catching you out. All of these SPF sprays are no fuss sunscreens that are extremely quick drying, give a soft-focus finish and can easily be applied over makeup. They are suitable for all skin tones and your makeup will not move whilst applying. I personally use these as top up SPF’s and wouldn’t apply these as my first application of sunscreen. I would also definitely advise to spray generously!


The 3 Best SPF Mists

Ultrasun UV Face & Scalp Mist

I am so pleased Ultrasun created a spray, even though Ultrasun is a once-a-day SPF we can all still get caught out. Not so well known in the industry is the minimum level of UVA protection, a broad-spectrum sunscreen must include a very low 33% of UVA protection! Thankfully Ultrasun have created all their sunscreens to include 90% and over UVA protection. Given UVA is the ageing ray, and you want to keep that collagen protected, this is a must have for your bag. Always going one step further to ensure they deliver maximum protection Ultrasun have included powerful antioxidants, organic sunflower shoots and an extract from the Tara tree to protect our cells from additional environmental aggressions like blue light damage.



Garnier Amber Solare Over Makeup Super UV Protection Mist with Hyaluronic Acid

This is probably my most recommended sunscreen mist before Ultrasun launched theirs. It’s so reasonably priced, and so convenient, plus its 75ml container easily fits in your make up bag. It also contains one of my favourite ingredients, hyaluronic acid. A gorgeous fine mist that leaves the skin feeling fresh and non-greasy and is a dream when sprayed over makeup.



Kate Somerville Uncomplicated SPF 50 Soft Focus Makeup Setting Spray

I am not sure when Kate Somerville launched this brilliant product, but this was my first introduction to spray sunscreens, and I have never looked back. I would always buy this on my trips to the USA until it finally launched here in the UK. It’s a broad-spectrum SPF with a matte finish and a soft-focus effect. The spray is gorgeously fine and will protect your skin when used as a top-up. It’s also great to give your skin a little top of hyaluronic acid which will give you a moisture boost. As well as topping up your hydration levels it’s also a great way to top up on antioxidants thanks to Rhodiola Rosea which is known for its anti-stress proprieties as well as helping to defend against cellular damage which is caused by pollution and UV rays.



Thank You For Reading

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Bye for now,

Fiona x


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