9 Summer Skincare Tips From A Skincare Expert


Summer months can be the most challenging for the skin, getting effective skincare products that feel lightweight and not too greasy can be tricky. If it's not the humidity that is laying havoc with our pores it’s the dry air that is zapping the hydration out of the skin. The sun is the most harmful aggression to the skin, closely followed by pollution (free radicals) as well as inflammation which is impossible to miss when your skin is being bombarded by these aggressions like it is in the summer.

1. SPF is your BFF

No surprise this is the most important summer skin care tip. Your best friend in SPF is the one you enjoy applying and wearing. Many tinted sunscreens and moisturisers with SPF tend to feel nicer on the skin however be careful of these, it’s a known fact that we don’t apply enough to achieve the full protection that is written on the packaging. I recommend you use tinted sunscreens and tinted moisturiser with SPF as your secondary SPF.

2. Layer up SPF

Wearing the correct amount of SPF is key, with all the different textures it’s challenging to recognise and understand how much SPF you need to apply. For most people the two-finger method isn’t enough, the recommended amount is a quarter of a teaspoon and when measured the two-finger method falls dangerously short of what you need to achieve the protection written on the outside of the packaging. If you simply struggle to get a quarter of a teaspoon on, I recommend that you apply it in two layers to give the skin time to absorb the sunscreen this is particularly helpful when you are using lightweight sunscreen.

3. Lighten the layers

Add heat to your skincare routine and it becomes impossible to apply all the skincare layers you were once applying in the winter months. I recommend you lighten up layers and seek an ultra-lightweight hydrating day cream or apply your serum as your last step before your SPF. There is nothing worse than the skin perspiring and it makes it impossible to get an even layer of SPF on the skin which is the most important step.

4. Misting is a Must

The easiest and quickest way to refresh your skin and inject a boost of hydration is by spritzing a hydrating mist. A summer must-have is a hydrating spray. It’s the ultimate skincare hack to refresh the skin and deliver a well-needed drink for the skin.

5. Exfoliate Smartly

Exfoliate for the condition of your skin, not your skin type. The skin's natural exfoliation process is largely impacted by the skin condition, the more hydrated the skin and the less stress the skin is being faced with the better. The happier the skin, the healthier the skin barrier, leaving the skin to naturally release the dead skin cells. If the skin becomes exposed to too much sun and feels threatened the skin cells will hold onto each other for protection, this can make the skin feel blocked, congested, and uneven in skin texture. Don’t stop exfoliating just exfoliating smartly for your skin condition.

6. Don’t Skip Cleansing

No matter how tempting and how much you have heard influencers and dermatologists say don’t cleanse in the morning.. unless they have seen your skin, and they believe your skin barrier is compromised… Don’t miss the morning cleanse. In the summer you can sweat more at nighttime, and this makes a wonderful place for your bacteria to breed. Pay attention to the hairline, around the nose and chin as these areas can be overlooked when cleansing.

7. Don’t Stop Your Skincare Actives

If you are listening to your skin there is no need for you to stop using ingredients like retinoids and exfoliating acids. I recommend using everything in moderation and every cleanse take the time to see and feel how your skin is responding and pull back if necessary. If the skin is tingly this is your sign to stop what you are doing and give the skin some TLC and rest days from the actives.

8. Don’t Forget The Antioxidants

Antioxidants are like guardian angels for the skin, its well documented that when the sun is shining, we are exposed to more free radicals, these destructive molecules love the skin, the skin barrier, the cells, and particularly the collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. SPF is key to protecting us from UVB and the broad spectrum will protect us from UVA rays, however, it’s the anti-oxidants that will protect the skin cells and prevent them from being damaged and dying prematurely. Check out my review of the Garnier Vitamin C Daily UV Invisible SPF50+ Brightening Fluid here for a great product that exemplifies this tip.

9. Take Every Opportunity to Hydrate

We lose between 300-500 mls of water a day and that is just through perspiration alone. If you're sweating heavily or exercising intensely, you may be losing even more. Take every opportunity to hydrate the skin, hydration is water and every skin type including oily skin needs hydration. This could be getting additional hydration from your cleanser, some exfoliators also bring extra hydration as well as brilliant hydrating serums, mists and essences.

Have a great summer & stay sun safe!


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Bye for now,

Fiona x

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Fiona Brackenbury